
埃坡西龍 D
埃博霉素D 埃坡西龍 D
埃博霉素 D(埃坡西龍 D、埃博霉素D、愛博霉素D)
KOS 862
NSC 703147
Epothilone D
Desoxyepothilone B
12,13-Desoxyepothilone B
Oxacyclohexadec-13-ene-2,6-dione, 4,8-dihydroxy-5,5,7,9,13-pentamethyl-16-(1E)-1-methyl-2-(2-methyl-4-thiazolyl)ethenyl-, (4S,7R,8S,9S,13Z,16S)-
Oxacyclohexadec-13-ene-2,6-dione, 4,8-dihydroxy-5,5,7,9,13-pentamethyl -16-(1-methyl-2-(2-methyl-4-thiazolyl)ethenyl)-, (4S-(4R*,7S,8R*,9R*,1 3Z,16R*(E)))-

培養(yǎng)基:CNST 培養(yǎng)基:KNO30.05%,Na2HPO40.025%,MgSO4·7H2O 0.1%,FeC30.001%,瓊脂 2%,微量元素液 1 mL/L,pH7.2。1×105Pa 高壓蒸汽滅菌 20 min。
M26培養(yǎng)基:土豆淀粉 8.0 g/L,大豆蛋白胨 2.0g/L,葡萄糖 2.0 g/L,酵母粉 2.0 g/L,MgSO4·7H2O1.0 g/L,CaCl21.0 g/L,EDTA-Fe3+1 mL/L,微量元素1 mL/L,以 KOH 調節(jié) pH 值為 7.2。
初始發(fā)酵培養(yǎng)基:糊精 0.3%,蔗糖 0.07%,葡萄糖 0.02%,豆餅粉 0.17%,七水硫酸鎂 0.17%,無水氯化鈣 0.3%,EDTA-Fe3+2 mL/L,微量元素(TE)0.5 mL/L,pH7.2,樹脂 XAD-16 2%。1×105Pa 高壓蒸汽滅菌 20 min。
種子培養(yǎng)::將保藏在固體斜面培養(yǎng)基的菌種接入放有已滅菌濾紙片的 CNST 平板上,倒置于恒溫培養(yǎng)箱中在 30℃條件下培養(yǎng) 5-7 d 后,轉接于 M26 培養(yǎng)基中,裝液量為 50 mL/250 mL 三角瓶,在 30℃、170 r/min 的條件下搖床培養(yǎng) 72 h 后,得到作為發(fā)酵培養(yǎng)的種子液。
發(fā)酵培養(yǎng):以 5%(V/V)接種量將所得種子液接種到發(fā)酵培養(yǎng)基中進行搖床培養(yǎng),發(fā)酵體系為300 mL 三角瓶裝液量為 50 mL,在 30℃、170 r/min的條件下搖床培養(yǎng) 5 d。
Epothilone D (KOS-862) is a more potent microtubule stabilizer in vitro than epothilone A or B. In vitro, Epothilone D has shown potent cytotoxicity in a panel of human tumor cell lines, with similar potency to paclitaxel. Epothilone D also shows a definite advantage over paclitaxel in drug-resistant cell lines, and retained its cytotoxicity against a multidrug resistant cell line over-expressing P-glycoprotein. Epothilone D (EpoD) is a microtubules (MTs)-stabilizing agent.
To evaluate whether Epothilone D (EpoD) improves MT and axonal function in PS19 mice, groups of 3-month old male PS19 mice received weekly i.p. injections of vehicle or Epothilone D (EpoD) (1 mg/kg or 3 mg/kg) for a total of 3 months. In addition, 3-month old non-Tg littermates received 3 mg/kg Epothilone D (EpoD) or vehicle. The 3 mg/kg Epothilone D (EpoD) dose corresponds to ~10-fold less than that used in a Phase II clinical study, which should minimize side-effects such as neutropenia that are observed with MT-stabilizing drugs in human subjects. PS19 and WT mice that receive Epothilone D (EpoD) show no signs of drug intolerance. Indeed, all drug-treated mice exhibited weight gain that is indistinguishable from vehicle-treated animals. Likewise, relative organ weights are similar in vehicle- and Epothilone D (EpoD)-treated mice. The motor performance of Epothilone D (EpoD)-treated mice, assessed using a standard rotarod test, is not significantly different from vehicle-treated cohorts. Finally, although there is minor group-to-group variability, there are no significant differences in white blood cell counts or neutrophil content between any of the treatment cohorts. Thus, the low doses of Epothilone D (EpoD) utilized in these studies appeared to be well tolerated.